Portfolio: • Portraits: ducey-portraits-soldier-wife

Jennifer Powell poses with an American flag for the photographer in Bothell, Wash.  Her husband, Sgt. Christopher Powell with the 181st support batallion of the 81st Brigade will be returning home soon from Iraq.  They first met on Jan. 23rd and were married on March 9, 2005, a day before he left for the Middle East.  {quote}Everyday we fall in love more and more.{quote} (© copyright Karen Ducey)

Jennifer Powell poses with an American flag for the photographer in Bothell, Wash. Her husband, Sgt. Christopher Powell with the 181st support batallion of the 81st Brigade will be returning home soon from Iraq. They first met on Jan. 23rd and were married on March 9, 2005, a day before he left for the Middle East. "Everyday we fall in love more and more." (© copyright Karen Ducey)