Portfolio: • Climate: eviron_14-Bristol-Bay-Ducey-776

Sisters and set netters from left to right: Kayla Andrews, Selena Andrews, Karen Andrews, and Virginia Andrews, from Aleknagik, Alaska take a break on the beach in Ekuk, Alaska on the Nushagak River in Bristol Bay on July 5, 2019. Three generations of the family fish the setnet site, where the girls grandmother, Kay Andrews, says her grandmother, mother, aunts and uncles fished.

Sisters and set netters from left to right: Kayla Andrews, Selena Andrews, Karen Andrews, and Virginia Andrews, from Aleknagik, Alaska take a break on the beach in Ekuk, Alaska on the Nushagak River in Bristol Bay on July 5, 2019. Three generations of the family fish the setnet site, where the girls grandmother, Kay Andrews, says her grandmother, mother, aunts and uncles fished.