Portfolio: • Climate: eviron_04-Bristol-Bay-Ducey-737

Set netters Loren Huffman, Virginia Andrews and other family members toss sockeye salmon into the back of a pickup truck filled with brackish and ice in Ekuk, Alaska on the Nushagak River in Bristol Bay on July 5, 2019. Temperatures reached into 90's in Anchorage - 25 degrees above average - a record high. Rising water temperatures throughout the summer caused an estimated 100,000 fish to die. The truck will head down the beach to deliever their catch to the seafood processor Ekuk Fisheries minutes away. Three generations of the family fish the setnet site, where the matriarch, Kay Andrews, says her grandmother, mother, aunts and uncles fished.

Set netters Loren Huffman, Virginia Andrews and other family members toss sockeye salmon into the back of a pickup truck filled with brackish and ice in Ekuk, Alaska on the Nushagak River in Bristol Bay on July 5, 2019. Temperatures reached into 90's in Anchorage - 25 degrees above average - a record high. Rising water temperatures throughout the summer caused an estimated 100,000 fish to die. The truck will head down the beach to deliever their catch to the seafood processor Ekuk Fisheries minutes away. Three generations of the family fish the setnet site, where the matriarch, Kay Andrews, says her grandmother, mother, aunts and uncles fished.